I make sure that I am frequently
checking in online while still keeping a regular social life. In today’s society people live and breathe
through their online networks. I think
that having a life in a virtual world is very important in today’s world but I
also believe that having a social life out of the virtual world is equally
On my virtual spaces I favor
Facebook and Twitter. I think that sites
like these are “fool proof” and are very easily accessible. Facebook allows me to chat with many of my family
and friends that are far and near. Even
better Facebook recently joined up with Skype so that if you have a webcam you
and easily Skype a Facebook friend without actually being friends on
Skype. The other site that I favor is Twitter,
this is a great network because I can post my thoughts in a matter of seconds
while using my smart phone. I decided to
make my Twitter private because I wanted to limit who follows me to people that
I am familiar with. I can also see what
my friends are thinking while still having a mixture of news, horoscopes,
jokes, etc. I follow many people and
organizations like UberFacts, The90sLife, VSPINK, Cosmopolitan, BestOfPisces,
FunnyOrTruth, and many more. I love
following VSPINK because Victoria’s Secret post things like what’s on sale or
insiders on their latest styles.
I must say that I use YouTube, but
before this course I did not add videos that I liked or manage a channel. I would use it to upload my videos and to
search for other videos and music.
Trying to manage a YouTube channel was a little tricky in the beginning
but I am starting to get the hang of it unlike, the photo post site,
Flickr. Flickr for me is the most
confusing thing. I can’t seem to get the
hang of it. I guess I just think that
there are many other sites that have a photography base that are easy to
Just a little video that I think is very comical. It's a video of a girl who just got her wisdom teeth out and because of the anesthetic she is on she acts unusual. The story she is describing is so bisarre she even attempts to rap. I would love to hear other's feedback and what they think about the video. The comments on the video are mostly just people repeating what she said and not actual feedback.
Hope this made you smile! Have a great week!!
I agree with you on how people seem to put private things about themselves on facebook which is meant for the PUBLIC. It really bothers me that people feel the need to say things through the computer screen that they would never tell someone in public. Sadly, it can turn into two different worlds in terms of people's comfort levels to discuss topics. I shared this video on my youtube account. I wonder how she feels about being a youtube star! ahaha
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you in that some people may get a little to invested into thier virtual world. Though having a virtual world to connect with friends is great, having an active social life outside of the internet is essential.
ReplyDeleteI saw this video before and every time I watch it... I laugh at how serious she is:)