Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The "Occupy" Movement

             While searching for the “Occupy” movement I stumbled upon many blogs, websites, Facebook pages, tweets, videos, and news articles on the topic.  Many of which were very interesting.  I had little knowledge of the “Occupy” movement before.  I knew what the protests were about but not in detail of all of the issues the movement was fighting. For those of you reading this and not knowing about the “Occupy” movement, it is a group of individuals with different backgrounds and political beliefs but think that elected officials are incapable of representing them unlike their wealthiest donors.  So the “regular” people are now coming together in saying that they don’t want the wealthy to have power in our government anymore. The bigger issues that they are fighting are Corporate Influence, Corporate Personhood, Student Debt, Wrongful Foreclosures, Too Big to Fail Blanks, Healthcare, Living Wage, and 99% Budget Cuts.  This covers a great chunk of what they are all about. 
             They are in support of no leaders and to have the “Average Joes” to take a stand and fight back, spread the word, and take part in resisting, restructuring, and remixing.   Their web pages are very inviting.  All over their pages it says get involved, work together, we are the 99%, spread the word, and join our marches.  ( &
            I don’t think that the media is one sided, there are many people who feel strongly about this and not all are in support.  I think that the news is showing both sides of the spectrum here, people in favor are asking people to join together while others are yelling back “GO GET A JOB”.  I think that the media shows both sides of issues and people in favor or not. 
            In my opinion both social media sites and news centers are getting out the same message.  The biggest difference is that with social media sites the posts are very “cut to the chase” and straight forward while the news centers write articles that can be very lengthy giving the reader great detail.  

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